Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day One Hundred Fourteen:

Day One Hundred Fourteen:

Another day another 24 hours of misery and regret. Yesterday I walked the tunnels out a little bit, tried to make it back where I entered at. Think I was successful but I'm not 100% sure. Started making something of a map in my head and tomorrow I am going to have a look around up top even if that means the end of everything. Two days down here has depleted my rations pretty bad, and if I know those monsters they probably didn't leave any of our supplies uneaten. Hopefully they're too dumb to fuck with the guns though because if I make it out of here, I think it is about to be hunting season.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day One Hundred Thirteen:

Day One Hundred Thirteen:

I've been down here for a day, listening. Every now and then I hear sounds, but more and more they sound like they are getting farther away. Hard to tell though since, I don't know where these tubes exit out and sound travels weird in a tunnel.

I should have helped him. He would have helped me. I don't deserve to live through this.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Day One Hundred Twelve - I don't know:

Day One Hundred Twelve - I don't know:

They're dead. They have to be. I don't know how the fuck I am still alive or for how long but on the off chance that someone made it this far into the story I figured I owed you at least this update.

We made it to Mississippi, maybe Louisiana... I don't know. We weren't really paying that much attention to the road signs, we were just excited to be moving west. I was driving a car full of supplies with Josh and Aj was driving the car full of extra fuel. As for Victor... he stayed behind. We tried to convince him to go with us but, he said he was sick of the whole Bio-Hazard routine and maybe he could help others if they made it to the Naval Station. I told him we were safer together, he told me we were safe where we already were.

He was right. We were all wrong. We underestimated the Ex-humes. We thought they were dumb animals, but they were more. Just waiting for the right time and when they attacked it was brutal.

I'm getting ahead of myself but, I wanted you to know what happened in case I don't finish writing this. I am in some type of drainage or sewage tube right now, I think I made it pretty far down here but for all I know I walked in a circle and once I decide to make a break for it, I might pop out five feet from where we were ambushed. For all I know they already found their way in here and are crawling towards me as I speak.

And I have no doubt about it, we were ambushed. There is no way that so many could have been there that quick. They either saw other vehicles get fucked up where we did, and then pushed the vehicles out of the road... or they set the trap themselves and just waited. Either way, the implications are bad for humanity.

So we drove, and somewhere near the Mississippi/Louisiana state line we ran into trouble. Or rather, we ran over trouble. We never had time to go back and check but I think we probably hit either sharp metal that was covered up, or a spike strip. Whatever it was it destroyed our tires and before we could warn Aj, he blew all four as well.

Almost immediately after shredding our tires we saw a swarm moving towards us. How many there were I don't know. Lets just say a lot. Enough that I knew we would run out of bullets before they ran out of bodies, and we had several thousand rounds of all different types of ammo. So instead, we tried to outrun them. But a car with no tires isn't exactly your best bet when making a fast get away.

It was enough to get us off the freeway we were on, down the off ramp, and into some podunk town before we decided we would be able to move faster on foot. The Ex-humes were closing in by then, their feet had begun to sound like thunder and I put our life expectancy at about 35 seconds. While I had been focused on driving, Josh had managed to grab a backpack and weapon for both of us. Immediately after coming to a stop I jumped out and saw Aj running for his life. His car was parked about 50 yards behind ours and after running half way to us he stopped and yelled "RUN!"

I didn't understand but Josh did, he started to pull me but I didn't move. He said, "We gotta go, NOW!" because apparently he had noticed the grenade in Aj's hand. I just kept watching, sometimes it is hard to look away when your world is coming to an end so instead of pulling me with him like would probably happen in the movies, Josh left me. I don't know how long it was, probably seconds but it felt like hours and then the ex-humes were at Aj's car right about the same time as his grenade rolled underneath it.

When he turned I could see the surprise in his eyes that I was still there. Seconds later I was lying on the ground wondering what had happened. My brain reorganized itself as I realized over a hundred gallons of gasoline had just made short work of the front line of the ex-hume army. Unfortunately there were a couple thousand more rushing towards us.

I want to say I ran to help Aj, I want that more than anything. I want to say I tried and found him dead, or he told me to run a different way, or something. But the reality is I noticed I was lying next to a manhole cover that I was able to pry up with the end of my rifle. Then I tossed my back pack in and without thinking I was inside it and already climbing down into filth before I even thought about Aj. At the bottom I remembered and by the time I climbed up to the sewer cover I could hear an unknown amount of their feet plodding across it directly above me.

So here I am, in a concrete tube expecting to die soon. Could Josh still be alive? Yes. Maybe he made it to one of the buildings and  is holed up somewhere. But odds are the feet I heard above me were running him down. Could Aj still be alive? If he had a better friend maybe, but since I am a complete shit no. I left him to die and now I get to die here or, up there.

Ok, I've wasted more than enough battery power to write this and on the off chance that I figure out a way out of here, I might regret that. But I just wanted to make sure that if someone found this, you knew what an asshole I was. I'm sorry Aj. I'm sorry Josh. We should have listened to Victor.