Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day Ninety Five:

Day Ninety Five: I wonder what will happen on my Day 100 entry? Will we reach the island off the coast of Florida? Will we all be rescued? Will a vaccine be found? Will a movie star make a cameo appearance and save the day?

You know what is odd? Every movie star, or at least I assume every movie star is now one of those things. And the award for best Ex-hume goes to...

Actually, the Oscars would probably be more entertaining with these beasts. Anything is better than watching the movie no one has ever seen or ever wanted to see win best picture year after year after... oh wait, I guess the Oscars won't be on this year huh? At least this apocalypse has some benefits.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking about day 100 is great and all, but what about 96,97,98 and 99?
