Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day Ninety Nine:

Day Ninety Nine:

To say that someone decided to blow up the Interstate 1 bridge thing in the keys would be an understatement. I don’t know if they were worried about the ex-humes somehow figuring out how to make concrete and get engineering degrees and then rebuild the bridges but, someone at some point decided to completely obliterate about 20 miles of bridge. Then from there, they went and blew the shit out of mile long stretches of bridges for several of the nearby islands.

We weren’t able to tell for sure, but on my map there is something called the Sugarloaf Key which is probably the closest location to that Naval Air Station and it looked like they not only blew up the bridges but… destroyed the entire fucking island. Granted, at the time of the bombing 95% of the place was probably ex-hume central but does that justify killing people that potentially could have been like AJ and I?

This in turn presents another serious problem. If the Naval Air Station was responsible for blowing an entire community to hell and back, how likely would they be to welcome us ashore? Especially considering the fact that we observed several boats washed up on the shore that looked like they’d been riddled with bullet holes.

While AJ and I were trying to figure out what to do next, Victor put the boat in drive and started our approach towards the Naval Base. Before we could ask what he was doing he said, “We didn’t come all this way not to find out and I‘m not about to become a fisherman so let‘s get going.”

How do you argue with that?

About a mile from the Naval Base we were surprised to see absolutely nothing. Half a mile out, I was expecting some type of heat seeking missile to blow us up but no. Closer and closer we got without even the slightest amount of death blowing us to bits. It wasn’t until we got to shore that a bullet exploded in the sand in front of us.

This was followed by a voice, a voice that yelled. “I don’t want any trouble and I don’t want to hurt anyone so if you want to make it any further please leave all your items there until we can verify your identity.”

I think we all would have been more than willing to do this if the last time we agreed to such measures hadn’t result in us being locked away in a room and then infecting and slaughtering everyone Victor knew. So we agree, but before we agreed we all made sure we had a pistol in the back of our waistband and then yelled, “What now?”

The voice instructed us to walk away from our boat and then to sit down once we were about 100 yards away from it. We complied and after about five minutes we saw one skinny kid walking towards us decked out in soldier gear with an M4 rifle at the ready. At first glance he looked to be about 20 but as he got closer I realized it was just all the military gear making him look older. He said he was 18 but if I had to guess I wouldn’t put him a day over 16.

Not that it matters. Alive is alive.

He said his name was Joshua and the first thing all of us noticed immediately after noticing how young he was, was the fact that he was barefoot. When pressed on this issue he smiled and simply said “Always wanted to start a barefoot revolution, why not start now. Follow me”

And we did, always expecting for him to rendezvous with someone else, but after getting in his car and driving back to the Naval Base it became apparent that unless there was some type of underground bunker… this kid was all that was left here.

Day Ninety Eight:

Day Ninety Eight:

The good news! We found a nice 45 foot boat along with the keys and as an added bonus it had an almost full tank of gas.

The bad news: Within minutes of finding it, roughly half the population Florida decided to attack us which resulted in us leaving 90% of or supplies in our cars. In the movies this would be an incredible problem, in reality though… all we had to do was drive about a mile from shore, anchor the boat, and wait for nightfall at which point we drove back and heeding Elmer Fudd’s advice to be vewy vewy quiet, we managed to recover everything we needed without anymore attacks.

I guess it was kind of a bummer since we wasted an entire day doing this but, since I’m pretty sure the entire fucking world isn’t really adhering to any type of time schedule anymore I figure, one mostly wasted day is par for the course.

Tomorrow we will do our best to follow Interstate 1 or Highway 1 or whatever you call the damn road that drives over all the water in the Florida Keys. Hopefully the boat doesn’t get stuck.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day Ninety Seven:

Day Ninety Seven:

We've been sticking to I-75, passed through Georgia today without any issues and decided to camp right near the Florida state line. Managed to liberate a more detailed state map of Florida from one of the now infinite number of abandoned gas stations. Victor now believes the most probable place for a government quarantine to take place would be at the NAS Key West.

I had no idea what NAS meant, apparently it is Naval Air Station. The problem is, since it is in the Keys if they did quarantine people there then they also probably blew the living shit out of the bridges that lead to that area. This concerned Victor until I pointed out that the entire boating population of Florida is now either dead, quarantined, or Ex-humed... and that we will have the pick of the litter when it comes to aquatic vessels he cheered up a little.

Also, AJ informed us today that he doesn't know how to swim and is terrified of the water. So that should be fun.