Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day One Hundred Five:

Day One Hundred Five:

We should have left well enough alone. I don’t know what we expected to find. Surely if they had found a cure they would have shared it with others instead of locking it in a room on an island guarded by a juvenille. Maybe we expected to find some way of communicating with others, or a map where the government had created a quarantine zone safe from the sickness.

Instead we found death.

Death stacked on top of death stacked on top of death.

We stopped Josh before he could see all of it, but he still saw some. Some of the worst. The first room we opened were the children. All left to rot, most likely drugged. We should have known. The smell was there but, they had been in there so long it wasn’t enough to stop us. Because honestly at this point, we were all just used to that smell and didn’t even think anything of it.

But sure enough, after the children we found several rooms full of high ranking officers and their wives or in some cases, alone. The ones with the women took the clean way out, the ones by themselves opted for a messy end. Whatever we hoped for, we should have expected this. But we didn’t/

Hope blinded us. Made us think that this isolated island was only the icing on the cake and we were about to find the mother load. Instead, we found an endless well of depression. If morale wasn’t already low, we just kicked it off a cliff and set it on fire.

I always try to find the plus side to situations like this but this time, there is none. Sorry world.


1 comment:

  1. Sadly, quite realistic. Hope to learn what happened to those poor people.
