Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day One Hundred Nine:

Day One Hundred Nine:

Here’s the thing, I wouldn’t know how to find latitude and longitude coordinates before this whole end of the world thing happened, so I wasn’t able to give any real suggestions for how we could go about figuring it out now. Funny how if you take Google Search away you almost instantly have an entire country full of idiots.

Or almost. AJ and Victor apparently received real educations since both of them suggested Josh look for a world atlas in the library along with anything related to how to work with latitude and longitude. From there they figured once he had that, he could narrow it down and start trying to find either a state or country map My suggestion would have been to see if the government had somehow managed to download the entire internet before this disaster happened, and then run a search on it.

Everyone laughed and then Josh asked if Google Earth would work even without the internet? Before I answer that question, allow me to take this moment to say that apparently this entry is brought to you by Google.

After about an hour of trying to get a computer to load up that had Google Earth on it, we were saddened a little to find out that no, it doesn’t work very well at all. Stupid internet.

So while Josh is out scouring the Naval Bases library, we are all busy doing important things like… playing darts, and setting up bowling pins in the middle of the street and engaging in a rousing game of street bowling. Of course street bowling invariably ends up with us throwing bowling balls through the windshields of abandoned cars.


Why not?

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