Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day Ninety Two:

Day Ninety Two:

Funny how one day we are making fun of Victor for his conspiracy island survival theories, and the next we are headed to Florida in the hopes that his crazy is actually reality. When I tried to argue with him and AJ they countered with a very very sound argument.

They simply said, "What else do we have to do?"


Even if no one made it to the islands, even if all we find is more death and chaos, so? It still gives us something to shoot for. And if that something happens to include warm water and nice weather... well, maybe it won't be so bad.

Makes me wonder though, would they welcome us? I mean, AJ pretty much confirmed that he is infected. The only thing we don't know is if he is contagion is airborne or solely through blood. We also don't know if he was already infected before being bit, which would mean we both probably are.

I suppose we will cross that bridge when we come to it, then we will probably blow the bridge up so we don't have a mega swarm of ex-humes sneak up behind us. Which brings up another interesting question: Can Ex-humes swim?

Lets hope not.

1 comment:

  1. Hope Victor has some idea where to look. Finding an island in the middle of an ocean isn't exactly an easy task!
