Friday, February 25, 2011

Day Ninety One:

Day Ninety One:

Today was good. First day in a while where we all just got to talk and occasionally *gasp* even laugh! Got to hear another one of AJ’s theories of the universe which is always a real treat.

His new theory is that the ex-humes are nothing new. At first I thought he was going to say they were like Bigfoot or vampires, always lurking in the shadows and waiting till now to spring their trap. But no, his idea actually seemed somewhat possible even if it isn’t very likely.

He said that maybe we had done this before, maybe mankind had made it to where we are now, maybe even further and at some point we created something that just sort of, shorted out almost everyone’s brains.

We asked how that could be possible? There would still be evidence of something if that was the case. But he countered with, what if this happened millions of years before our earliest records of cavemen. What if some of the craters that we thought were asteroids that killed the dinosaurs, were actually something as simple as a nuclear reactor meltdown. What if we had been here before, and accidentally reset the world. What if it had happened more than once.

And what if we were really trapped inside the Matrix!

AJ didn’t laugh when I said that, but Victor did.

I will give AJ credit though, because it definitely seems possible. Although the idea of mankind constantly erasing all of its accomplishments every billion years of so isn’t exactly a topic to cheer up the mood so we drifted away from that and focused in on stories from Victor.

He asked if we knew about the islands?

We said we knew that they were masses of land surrounded by water but outside of that, no.

According to Victor the government had taken the brightest and the best, and quarantined an island somewhere down south. Probably off the coast of Florida. He said that if we could make it there we would be safe. I explained that before we could do that, we would have to decide whether to take the red pill or blue pill which made him laugh again.

He told us more about his swarm experience and the people he was with. Told us where he grew up, about all the hands on medical experience he had been forced into since this thing started, and how he thought that before long the swarms of 1000 would probably combine into some sort of mega swarm. When that happened, food would start to get real scarce.

I changed topics to McDonalds ice cream which spiraled into an hour long conversation about all the food we missed. This was followed by all of us eating the last pack of twinkies I had in my backpack.

In the words of the late Ice Cube… Today was a good day.

Sort of funny that from here on out… 99.999% of every quote will be considered to be, “In the words of the late…” Ah well

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of the 5th World purification times spoken of by Native Americans!
