Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day Eighty Two Pt 3:

Day Eighty Two Pt 3:

One razor blade
One pack of matches
One 3 foot length of string
Two paper clips
One very small swiss army knife w/ the usual attachments

That is what AJ and I were left with. Oh right, and a boat key holder covered in body secretions. I probably didn't need to tell you that but I don't want someone to find this journal 100 years from now and be all like "Wait a second! I thought there was a boat key holder! What a fucking liar!"

Additionally, even though there weren't any windows on the door I was pretty sure there was a guard stationed outside since every now and then I would see him walk past the door. Could we have jumped the guard? I don't know, probably. But who knows how many other people were in there. Not to mention, one mistake would result in us being severely shot.

Not just regularly shot. No, severely shot. Which is much worse.

First thing I did was tie the string to the boat key holder and then tie the other end to a vent in the room. That way, until we figured this horrible situation out we could leave our stuff hidden in a vent. I knew watching those Prison Lockup shows would pay off one day.

At some point we were given food that day. But it was just bread and crackers on a paper plater. So I guess I could add a paper plate to the inventory as well.

We spent the night naked, on the floor, waiting to die.
Which is actually quite a bit worse than spending the night in a car waiting to die.

Its strange how comforting clothes are.
And how terrifying life can become without them.

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