Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day Eighty Eight, Nine, Ninety:

Day Eighty Eight, Nine, Ninety:

 Victor asked us all sort of questions. Where we had lived, how we survived, if we had met others (Poor Arnie), and then he started telling us stuff we didn’t know. He asked if we knew about the Swarms.

Obviously we had not so he explained how sometimes the Ex-humes move in groups which we already knew. But sometimes, those groups combine with other groups until eventually they are one super group. When that happens, they apparently act almost like locust and just lay waste to everything in their path.

The first time he encountered a swarm was with his initial group. Back then he said, they had at least forty people, probably closer to fifty, and wouldn’t have been nearly as easy to pick off when they got to that rape/labor camp but when the swarm hit…even with everyone armed they almost got wiped out.

They made the mistake of trying to fight, but the ex-humes group must have been at least 1000 deep and outnumbered them 20 to 1. Kill one, another one jumps over it. Kill that one, repeat step on. After killing about 100 of them, the remaining 900 were at the walls of their camp.

Victor asked us, “You ever try fighting a war in a full biosuit? It ain’t fucking easy.”

When it became clear that they couldn’t stop them, they retreated to their vehicles. By then they were down to 20, maybe 25 people. But as soon as they pulled off the perimeter the things swarmed in. Victor an a handful of others were lucky enough to make it to their military truck. Everyone else that ran for a regular car, truck, or house was devoured in seconds.

Victor and a few others fired out the back of the vehicle while a hair stylist named David Jenkins drove them away from the camp. When they were far enough away, the only surviving military guy in their group hit a detonator and blew their camp and most of the swarm back to hell. Then he shot himself in the head since he had been bitten.

By the time they made it to the Slaver camp, they were down to 5 people including Victor. The survivors had fought for their lives and watched their loved ones die only to be murdered by a group of psychopaths.

After hearing his story, we figured it was probably best to get rid of Bossman as well. We went to work finding spare bio-suits and doing our best to make the camp look as normal as always. Sort of tricky since, we only had three men to accomplish this and according to Victor their Bossman had at least 4 others with him.

Fortunately though, we had two more days before he was expected back. During that time we dug a hole inside the compound just past the main gate. Not just a hole, a grave. A grave that would fit an entire car and all of its occupants. A grave Stephen King would be proud of.

Once we were sure the hole was at least big enough to fit two cars driving side by side, we covered it with a brown tarp that they were using as a make shift tent at one of the guard outposts.

Unlike the disaster we encountered upon arriving at this horrible place, when Bossman returned everything went as planned. AJ notified Victor and I as soon as the car was approaching causing Victor and I to immediately the hole 1/3 of the way full with their gasoline reserves. When the car arrived, we opened the gate and watched it drive forward at its normal speed before going end over end into our hole.

The trick was to make the hole deep enough so that when it flipped, it would have enough room to go all the way in and have enough momentum to flip it over onto its roof which is did.

And then they all got to enjoy the sweet release of burning to death before hopefully going off to the afterlife and burning for eternity there as well.

We talked about staying at the camp but, after a brief discussion we decided that we would have better luck finding survivors and hopefully avoiding swarms if we stayed on the move. After packing up all the supplies we needed we left a note stating our direction of travel and where other survivors could locate the remaining food and supplies.

After today I will try to go back to 1 day entries. It has just been a crazy week. Sort of hard to stop what you’re doing and fill out your journal when you are planning to murder a car full of people.

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