Monday, February 21, 2011

Day Eighty Five, Six, Seven:

Day Eighty Five, Six, Seven:

The next day when the guard came back he decided he actually wanted to talk to us for once. He sounded scared and desperate. Despite what we had been through and the fact that we were naked and being held against our will in a home made prison I almost felt sorry for him.

He was talking quiet but he wanted to know if we had done anything to him, he promised not to tell anyone if we had. We lied and said we hadn’t. We told him that after he had freaked out yesterday, we went over by the door to see what had scared him and saw there was the tip of a rusty nail sticking out.

Now if he hadn’t of been terrified this might have screwed us since he could have asked a lot of questions starting with, “Where is the nail?” Because it wasn’t like we had a claw hammer to pull it out of the door with, and we couldn’t exactly pound the sharp end of a nail back into the door with our bare hands. Fortunately, he was so freaked out that all he said was, “Oh shit”.

I lied and told him he might have tetanus and that if he let us out I could get him to an abandoned hospital and treat him. He said he would think about it but after that, we never saw him alive again.

So our nasty little viral friend jumped ship from him, to all of his friends over the course of about 6 hours. By day Eighty Six damn near everyone in that place was suffering from an acute case of the “About to be deads”.  Our plan was to simply wait it out. Wait till we were as sure as we could be that everyone was too sick to move, and then kick down the door. After two of our meals were skipped and we couldn’t contact any guards we decided it was time to make our move.

Here’s the thing though, have you ever tried to bust out of a reinforced door while you’re naked? No? Because it is damn near impossible. We beat the living hell out of that door for over an hour and all we had to show for it was a bunch of bruised and bloody body parts.

As Day Eighty Seven approached we had gone over a day without any food or water. This might not seem like a big deal, but when you have no concept of time and no plan of escape… things get really scary really fast. Every itch, every body hiccup, every everything feels like the acute stages of something you should know more about that is probably going to kill you.

However, half way through what must have been Day Eighty Seven we heard gunshots. Lots and lots of gunshots. Not like, machinegun fire. More like, BAM! Then, three minutes later… BAM! This went on for at least an hour or two until eventually, no more gunshots.

A half our passed and then the slot in the door where we got our food from slid open and a man said, “Hello, I’m Victor, how are you?”

He pushed some bottles of water through the door along with glorious food and clothes. Unfortunately, after hearing all the gunshots AJ and I were convinced that the water was poisoned, along with the food. We got dressed quickly and then voiced this concern to him. He laughed before saying, “You must have heard all the gunshots, why would I poison you instead of just shooting you?”


The water was gone in seconds and the food shortly after that. Apparently Victor didn’t want to be living there either. He had also come with a group of people and had been forced to sit naked in a room. He lied and said he was a doctor, which was sort of true since he had been working on a degree to become a male nurse but… the other people in his group were unable to impress their captors. As a result, the women were handed out like candy and the men were murdered after having been worked nearly to death with no provisions.

He told us the only reason we were being fed was because they were waiting for their boss to get back from an expedition he had gone on. If bossman had been around, we most likely would not be around to enjoy his company.

We asked if he was immune to the disease like us and he said no. He explained that he kept his biosuit on at all times and only showered once a week. The other people there took to calling him Icky Vic because of his smell but he didn’t care. He laughed when I said they would be smelling a lot worse real soon.

He asked us where our camp was and we told him we were it. He said we didn’t have to lie, he was there to help and we explained that we weren’t. He managed to get the door open and asked if he could come with us. I explained that we didn’t have any idea where we were going and he said that sounded perfect.

So after gathering up a bunch of supplies, he led us to the garage where they were storing our vehicle and off we went. A trio once more.

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