Monday, February 21, 2011

Day Eighty Four:

Day Eighty Four:

Another day passed, or did it? Without any windows time gets real hazy. I guess we could have kept track of time with the light shining through under the door or, by counting our meals but when you are fairly certain you are going to be murdered shortly… time loses its importance.

What doesn’t lose its importance is striving to find a way to keep yourself unkilled. I know I could say “alive” but that word doesn’t apply here. Eating crackers and drinking some water will keep you “alive” most days. When you are locked naked in a makeshift prison, what you want is to keep yourself un-fucking-killed.

It came down to us using good old fashioned biological warfare. Because lets face it, neither AJ nor I were professional ninjas previous to this plague. Neither of us could break a man's neck with our index finger and neither of us knew how to use hypnosis, or magic, or whatever else might have saved us.

What we did know was that AJ had been bitten by the ex-humes. What we didn’t know was whether or not that meant his blood was contagious as shit to anyone without a natural immunity like us, or if the virus died as soon as it entered his blood stream.

However, any chance was better than no chance so we went to work crafting a plan. The guards barely acknowledged our existence. The only time we ever saw them was when they threw our food to us and even then, all we saw was there hand coming through the slot in the door.

Sure, we could have grabbed his hand and sliced it open with the razor blade and dumped some of AJ’s blood into it while he struggled. But I was 99.9% certain that would result in him killing us. If not him, then his boss would shoot us in the head.

Had to look like an accident. Something he could be blamed for and still feel like maybe he would be ok. Had to use the same tactic you would use when dealing with rats. Give one poison food and let him bring that shit back to the nest to poison the others.

So we carved a little niche into the door with the Swiss Army knife, inserted the razor blade so that just a small edge was poking up. Small enough to be mistaken for a nail. Then moments before we expected breakfast or lunch or whatever the same shit they fed us every time was… we cut AJ a little with the razor and left his blood on the edge of it.

Fast forward to the guard sticking his hand through, then immediately dropping our food and pulling his hand back incredibly fast. Hearing him whisper to himself, “Oh fuck oh fuck” and then to us “Did you do this?”

We pretended to be confused and AJ asked if we could help, asked what was wrong. The man told us to shut the fuck up and left. As soon as he was gone we pulled the razor blade back out and hid it. If anyone came to figure out what cut him, no point of leaving evidence of what we did just lying around. Although I was pretty sure he wouldn’t say anything to anyone.

And then we waited.

And we waited.

And we waited.

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