Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day One Hundred Two:

Day One Hundred Two:

Josh showed us a fairly detailed map of the area today. Apparently, the map was the militaries before the military got sick like everyone else and showed pretty much everything that had been destroyed and/or quarantined. Is quarantine the right word? Hmmmm, it showed all the houses that had been cleared from top to bottom by soldiers.

At some point they had pretty much gone from Big Coppit Key on the East end of the island and worked all the way across to the bridge that connects the Naval Air Station to Stock Island. Similar to Sugarloaf Key to the East, they also flattened Stock Island with whatever ordinance they had on hand. According to Josh, on the plus side they did evacuate the entire island before blowing it to hell. Not that it mattered, everyone besides Josh died anyway.

This only left a few unknowns. Right off the Eastern Coast of the Naval Air Station is another Key called the Shark Key. From the map it looks like there are maybe 30-40 houses although if they were like everyone else then, the occupants of those houses all took shelter at the Naval Base like everyone else. A second question AJ had was whether or not Josh knew if the military knocked out Cuba. Although it's at least 100 miles across the ocean, you have to figure that some of the 11 million people over there might be uninfected and as a result, might be heading North to escape. I don’t know why they would wait this long to try to escape North but, a threat is a threat.

That leaves the underground portion of the base I mentioned yesterday. We were all set to explore it. We got our flashlights, weapons, protective padding, shoelaces tied, everything! Then after opening a door with all sorts of security clearance warnings that Josh had never ventured past, we walked down a flight of stairs and…

And found another much more serious door. A door that would probably need to use dynamite as a doorbell. On the plus side, whatever is in there definitely isn’t getting out. On the negative side, now we are all really really curious. And although there might not be any cats left for curiosity to kill, it is bound to annoy us to death if we don’t figure out how to get in there.

Josh mentioned he might be able to get past the door if we could find a toy store. According to him, there were two on Key West, if they hadn’t been completely bombed out. Pending that one of the toy stores was still standing, we would need to rummage around inside and find as many etch-a-sketches as possible. When we asked him why he only replied with, “I will explain why if you actually find them otherwise, who cares.”

Strange kid.

Well, it’s official. To paraphrase Chevy Chase if you remember who that was, “We’re on a quest, a quest for fun! Praise Marty Moose!” Also, I’m going to try to track down a copy of National Lampoon’s Vacation. Might be fun to have a movie night on this island.

Also, sorry if I fucked that quote up. It’s been a while since I’ve seen that movie, or a working television for that matter.

1 comment:

  1. Etch-a-Sketch? Ok. I'm definitely curious how on earth that would help!
