Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day One Hundred:

 Day One Hundred:

If anyone reading this still remember the band Pearl Jam, for the entire day I haven’t been able to get the chorus of their song “Alive” out of my head for obvious reasons.

100 days, or more importantly, 100 not deaths. Cue the fireworks.

To celebrate our 100th day alive, we took a tour of a mostly dead island! Apparently, the people inside the Naval Base had held on longer than most but like the death camp that Aj, Victor, and I got to be part of eventually the sickness got through. When it did, every single person on the island either killed themselves or had this poor kid Josh do it for them.

Fortunately for him, some of the people in the Naval Base had enough strength to take care of his parents and siblings when they got sick. I obviously didn’t mention it to him, but it is interesting that one person being immune to this disease doesn’t necessarily mean anyone else in the family will luck out as well. Must be some type of recessive trait that… wow. Look at me talking like a scientist. Yeah, must be the third helix of the DNA reconfiguration of the Saturn Moonbeams celestial pull.

Right, back to talking about what I actually know about. Namely, our current situation.

So after the tour Josh showed us where we could set up shop if we wanted. Like everywhere else, food isn’t much of a problem. Everything we could ever want within reason can probably be found on this island. The only real hazard seems to be the fact that some of the lower levels of the base might have some Ex-humes still alive and kicking but other than that… for all extents and purposes this is paradise.

I haven’t talked with AJ or Victor yet, but if I had to guess I would say we will all be staying put for a while here and getting to know our new barefoot friend.

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