Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day One Hundred Eighteen:

Day One Hundred Eighteen:

I ran. Thank God it isn't freezing cold out yet or I am sure I would be dead by now. Not from the Ex-humes, just from running in soaking wet clothes in the cold. I don't know where I am, and I don't intend to start a fire so for now I am just following this stream and hoping it stays above 50 at night. Still haven't decided what to do next.

There are three different choices, all pulling equally hard in their own respective direction. Choice one involves going back to the town and regardless of what happens, avenging Josh and AJ and possibly save one or both of them on the insanely improbable chance that either of them are still alive.

Choice two involves turning around and heading back to the Keys. To safety. To Victor. To where we should have fucking stayed to begin with. Why did I agree to this? What the fuck was wrong with me?

And choice three. Well, choice three is me continuing forward to our or, I guess now it is just my mystery destination. My way of making sure Josh and AJ didn't maybe die for nothing. Except what if I get there and it is a smoking hole in the ground. Or worse yet, just another abandoned building filled with skeletons and blood trails?

Fuck. I don't know. And I also don't know why the fuck I am making life decisions when I am lost in the woods following a stream that will probably lead me into a nest of death. Maybe after this I can figure out where I should invest all the money in the world that no longer matters to anyone. Yeah, I will get right on that.

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