Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Eight:

Day Eight:

Before meeting up with AJ today I decided to explore some parts of the city where I haven't been yet which; is sort of dangerous I guess but the curiosity is killing me. Pretty much more of the same, just feels like the entire planet became a ghost town over night.

On the plus side, it gives me a chance to scout for supplies, escape routes, gas stations, whatever I need. Keep expecting to see the gas mask men but just like in life, my expectations are apparently set way to high.

I did find a church that had been vandalized. Well, I suppose that might be jumping the gun a little since the message did seem religious so, maybe the father just decided to broadcast for any remaining eyes left to read it. In gigantic capital red letters over the huge wooden double doors at the front of the building it says: "We thought we were hell proof. We were wrong".

See what I mean? Could be one of them "The End is Nigh" guys that are always up on soapboxes in the movies, or it could just be a priest on his last leg wanting to go out with a bang. I was tempted to go inside and have a look around but, these days I'm not sure if I am really fully caught up on my hell proof shots so, probably should avoid buildings that could be filled with crazies.

Eventually I got around to visiting AJ and he couldn't thank me enough for the supplies. I didn't today but, I think tomorrow I might ask if he would mind if I came to his house to see first hand what we are dealing with here. According to him, all four of his family members have begun scratching at the doors and walls and he figures its only a matter of time before one of them figures out how to get through a window.

And once again, I find myself wondering how long it will be before the survivors without an AJ figure out how to get out of their houses? Because four mentally unstable family members is a difficult situation to deal with. But if the number were say, four hundred thousand well... we might have a problem here Houston.

After this realization I began looking closer at the lifeless houses near mine and sure enough, quite a few did have broken windows that I never noticed before with the glass spread out in their yards, not in their houses. That made me paranoid enough to go to the nearest gun store where I attempted to gain entry.

Gun stores as it turns out are some of the most well guarded businesses on the planet apparently so first I had to go back to Home Depot and pick up some industrial sized bolt cutters and hacksaws. Once again, I figured the police would be on me like flies on shit but, no dice.

I now have some type of rifle with a big ass scope, an M-16 looking gun, an Ak-47, a shotgun that looks like it could bring down a small plane, a really slick looking .45 pistol along with a 50 caliber Desert Eagle since, that was like the only gun I actually recognized by sight. Also thought about getting a rifle that looked like it was high speed and out of the future but, couldn't figure out what type of bullet it used.

Most likely I will stick with the shotgun and pistols if I ever need them since, I know next to nothing about guns and would have a bitch of a time cleaning or figuring out what to do if one of them jammed up. Actually, if one of them jammed I suppose I would just go back to the gun store and pick up one of the other billion or so guns they appear to have there.

I also now officially have enough ammunition to probably be considered a poorly organized militia.

With my luck though I would be holding the gun backwards when I went to use it so hopefully it won't come to that.

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