Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Eighty:

Day Eighty:

Drive drive drive some more. I wanted to do this why? Oh right, to make contact with a population that has vanished. Smart.

Reminds me of when I was a kid and my family took a road trip that unfortunately passed through Iowa. You know what’s in Iowa? 3 houses, 5 trees, and corn. Miles upon endless mile of fertile yellow boredom. Well guess what? Planet Earth might as well change its name to Iowa because there is nothing stacked upon heaping mounds of nothing out here.

Sure, there are relics. Everything is now a relic. A billboard relic that will probably have torn off by this time next year, building relics, car relics, but without life connecting them to a predetermined value they are nothing. Junk would probably be a better word. Hey all you people that fought about a religion before this happened, I hope you are all happy to know that your God turned the entire fucking planet into an Iowa junkyard.


Anyway, AJ thinks we should consider boats. Maybe try to hit up an island, see if maybe people survived there. Problem is, AJ got bit. So lets say we make it to said island. We will look like real assholes if AJ turns out to be the smallpox infected blanket won't we?

Still no ex-humes. Some threat huh? We went from being terrified of these things to, driving around the countryside hoping one will attack just so it will break up the monotony of this boredom.

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