Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Twenty:

Day Twenty:

You know what used to always bug me? When people would ask me "If a tree falls in a forest with no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

And I would always stare at them and wonder if they had some type of learning disability because of course it makes a fucking sound. My ears don't control the physics of sound and impact. I don't know exactly where I am going with this except to say, maybe if the entire planet had spent a little less time worrying about the acoustics of lonely trees in empty forests and more time worrying about horrible brain destroying diseases I would be able to find a decent cup of coffee somewhere.

I'm probably just grumpy because AJ pissed me off. What is it going to take for that guy to realize that safety and strength can be found in numbers? Christ, these ex-humes have figured that out already in what, 20 some odd days? What is our excuse?

Well his excuse is that he doesn't feel comfortable with it. Ok granted, I am a bit of a slob at times and from what I can tell he is a neat freak with a touch of OCD but still. Its like, which one should I choose:

A: Food wrapper on the carpet.
B: Face ripped off by mutant humans or possible psychotic serial killer.

Personally, I would choose A: but that is ONLY BECAUSE I AM SANE.

God Damn AJ. If this were a movie I could just smack him once really hard across the face and he would realize the folly of his ways and realize how right I am. However, in the realm of the real if I tried that he would probably just sulk and tell me that misplaced anger is just another reason we need our own space.

Soap opera triviality aside, at the very least he agreed that this whole "pack" situation might start getting bad for us in a hurry. If I remember correctly, wolves can travel in groups from seven to fifteen. That would be a real problem since we would probably have trouble taking down more then three. Not to mention the fact that since we are essentially dealing with a new species here, there is no telling what the size limit might be.

On the plus side though, at least if we do get attacked by a football sized swarm of these things we will be able to watch each others backs and make sure we... Oh wait, no we won't because he is a moron!

Hey AJ, if I get ripped into pieces by brain mangled exhumes and no one is around to hear me, will I still make a sound?


The answer is absolutely yes.

Unless of course they rip my throat out first, then I don't know.

But trees don't have throats so I am pretty sure they make a sound when they keel over in the forest.

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