Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Two:

Day Two:

Congratulations me, I have successfully written two journal entries in a row which; beats my previous attempt of zero.

Today work was desolate. Of the normal fifty plus people at my job, I only saw maybe ten. Of those ten, all of them looked like they would probably call in sick tomorrow. Well, all of them except my boss Darryl. Because he looked like he should have called in sick today. Have to give him credit though because out of everyone who has called in sick, he is the only one who came back to work. Mind over matter scores another victory in the land of many cubicles.

I asked him what he thought it was and he tried to tell me that it felt like a combination of everything going wrong. I tried to get him to go into more detail but all he could come up with was that he felt like his entire body was starting to become distracted.


Yeah, no offense Darryl but I have been distracted before and I didn't look like I could have been the poster child for an ADD Vampire campaign as a result.

I keep waiting to get sick but like I said, I don't remember the last time I was sick. Everyone else seems to try hand sanitizer, and double pumps of soap, and lysol, and whatever the hell else commercials say kills 99.9% of germs. But me, I'm lucky if I remember to wash my hands after going to the bathroom.

Yet here I am, fine and well and adrift in a office pool of infectious death.

Susan (A lady from accounting) asked me today how I felt. Or rather, she tried to asked me but then started coughing a bunch. I told her I felt great and in the back of my head I couldn't help but wonder if she came over and coughed next to me just so that I would be sick like her.

I know, awful thing to think right? But I mean hell, even I'm a little jealous of myself. Seems like everyone is coming down with Scari. Thats what the news is calling it. Fucking Scari. Super Contagious Acute Respiratory Infection. I guess it was only a matter of time before disease scare tactics took it to the literal level of actually calling something scary.

Mark my words, two weeks from now it will be something else in the headlines. Either Actor X will cheat on Actress Y or Fill in the blank A will get arrested because of fill in the blank B and all of a sudden everyone will be like "Remember when we were all worried about Scari?" And that is when they will think of a clever way to have a disease named "Worry".

On a slightly more serious note, I'm sure this will turn out to be a big overblown nothing. But even when the Swine Flu, and SARS and the Avian Flu and whatever else was popular for a week and at their peak... I never remember them having such an effect on traffic.

Normally I sit in traffic for somewhere between 10 and 20 minutes. Today, there wasn't a single light where I wasn't at the front of the line. Sort of a joke to refer to it as a "line" since most of the time there wasn't even a car on my right or left. Weird.

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