Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Sixty Nine:

Day Sixty Nine:

I suppose it is only appropriate that this entry is at least a little bit about sex.

What is the minimum population that you can sustain humanity with? We were arguing today about whether or not we are already extinct. After driving around all day, we once again found no one. So, it stands to reason that if we continue to not find anyone, then we as a species are dead regardless of if we are still running out the clock.

Even if we find others, how many would we need to find so that we don't wind up like the people from the Hills have Eyes? 100? 1,000? 10,000? I suppose there could be pockets of civilization somewhere that weren't affected by this disaster. Maybe an isolated island culture in Maine or something? Problem is, even if they did manage to escape it for now it seems like its only a matter of time.

Eventually they will need to venture out to find food or other resources, and what if one of them gets infected? Well that infection spreads to the rest of the island. I argued that everyone that isn't immune is already dead. Because in this new world there won't be any new amazing breakthroughs in science.

That era is done and before long, we will be back in the dark ages. That’s a lie, the dark ages might have been rough but they had numbers. Where we are going humanity has never been. Unless you believe that God made Adam and Eve in which case, I guess they faced a similar situation.

Cept for the fact that they were in a garden of Eden and we are in the suburbs of hell.

Shit, that’s a lie too. Because there are supposedly lots of people in hell too.

So we're in, limbo with monsters? Who knows?

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