Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Fifty Something, Seven?:

Day Fifty Something, Seven?:

I wasn't planning on writing anymore since I figured I was dead, but after a week and a half of roasting in the sun in my car guess who I saw?

Yep, Aj.

Honestly, at first I thought I was hallucinating. I still have a little food and water but, I figured died days ago. Nope.

He was up on the roof of a building with something reflective. No idea how long he has been up there trying to get my attention but God Bless him for the effort. Apparently, he has been able to hold out inside OK. Not sure why those things haven't ripped him apart, must have made some quick shelter or found a stair well, or who knows.

Don't really care to tell you the truth. All I know is seeing him, even just a little while sure beats crapping through the now overflowing trapdoor in my car. On the third or fourth day I thought that maybe I could use the hole in the floor of the car to push myself forward, sort of like the Flintstones but no. One, I would have to step in my own shit, two those things would chew my leg off, and three... even when I tried using the barrel of my gun as an oar? Well, it didn't work and just got shit all over a rather nice shotgun.

Anyway, Aj is up there and he told me that tomorrow at 8 in the morning there would be a distraction down the street. Hopefully, a distraction big enough to lure all those things away from me and give me enough time to get to him.

God I wish I was still parked against the store. Because now it looks like it is a million miles away. Wish me luck.

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