Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Sixty Seven:

Day Sixty Seven:

Not much was accomplished if you consider that we are supposed to be looking for other survivors. But, if wasting a day making a new friend was our real goal, then AJ and I won the battle. Because as horrible as this new planet is, today was pretty fun.

Spent most of the time driving around and talking about various points like, how many survivors you would need to form some type of uninfected army that could eradicate this new threat. Talked about whether or not the offspring of two uninfected would produce a baby immune to the ex-hume disease and the more horrible thought of if it is some type of recessive trait, if two ex-humes could create an uninfected baby who would probably get eaten by them.

That in turn broke down into a discussion about the longevity of the ex-humes. Arnold said that as far as he can tell, although they will work together if it serves a purpose... they also appear to have zero compassion for any form of weakness and since a baby is the ultimate form of weakness, he thinks all of their offspring would just be tasty snacks for them.

I know this doesn't sound like a rip-roaring fun time of enjoyable banter but it really was. Maybe tomorrow we'll find someone else to join our little tribe of fucked up discussions.

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