Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Thirteen:

Day Thirteen:

I suppose it would really be like, Day fourteen or fifteen since I haven't wrote anything in a few days but I think the Day by day breakdown refers more towards each day I write rather than each "Actual" day. Would probably be easier if I did it the other way or at least, easier on the off chance that anyone ever finds and reads this after I am gone but since that is unlikely... I will stick with what is easier for me.

I killed one of them the other day and have been a little busy as a result. Not much time to write in a journal when you are trying to figure out whether you should burn something or bury or grieve for it or say a prayer or what?

AJ was with me when it happened which; is fortunate since I don't think I would have been able to drag its corpse back to my house without him. I didn't plan on shooting any of them. If they could have just evolved into some harmless less than intelligent form of humans I would have even fed them. But while we were walking from the liquor store to AJ's house we came across two of them.

One was a female and looked injured and the other was a medium sized male. I'm not positive but I would be willing to bet that the injuries on the female were at least partially the fault of the male that was snarling at her and doing his best to work her into a corner. Anytime she tried to skirt around him he would either strike out at her with his hands or try to bite her.

Judging by the pieces of flesh missing from random spots on her body, it appeared he had been successful with the biting on more than one occasion.

I tried to scare him off by throwing rocks at him so that he would leave her alone but, no dice. To be honest, I don't know why I was trying to save her since she would probably do the same thing to him if he was injured. Probably goes back to being taught that a boy should never hit a girl.

Anyway, he didn't flinch at the rocks and in the blink of an eye he was up on top of her biting at her neck. Before he could finish her off though, I pulled out my Desert Eagle and incredibly enough managed to shoot him off. It took three shots, but the third one hit him in the shoulder and traveled straight through him going out somewhere in the middle of his back.

Unlike the rocks, this did cause him to flee but, he only made it about 50 feet before dropping dead from blood loss. She on the other hand was gone almost before I had blasted him off of her.

The good news is, if they are fighting each other it means they aren't fighting me.

Its weird having one of them dead in my garage though. AJ and I talked about it and figured that burning it would be the safest bet. Just seems wrong though. Not from a moral point of view but rather, once again in a Hollywood point of view. Shouldn't there be a scientist somewhere being played by Jeff Goldblum who could take this dead body and run it through some tests in order to create a vaccine for SCARI?

I guess not, so tomorrow I will burn what probably holds the key to curing this fucked up situation.

Thanks for nothing Jeff Goldblum.

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