Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Nine:

Day Nine:

Well I suppose as I type this it is officially April Fool's Day. I used to love playing little practical jokes on people but, it isn't really a very fun day when the only other person you know is slowly watching the people closest to him being eaten away by some disease.

As fun as it would be to say "Guess what they found the cure!" followed by "APRIL FOOLS!", I am guessing such a joke might be followed by a gunshot.

After lamenting the loss of one of my favorite days of the year for a while, I decided to start boarding up my house. First I was primarily focused on boarding up the windows from the inside but then eventually moved outside and boarded them up there as well for an extra layer of protection. I thought about chainsawing my stairs as well since, if I am the only one with a retractable ladder, it would make my upstairs damn near impenetrable. But sanity got the best of me and I figured that while I can remove a couple boards, I might not be able to fix chainsawed stairs as easily if this situation some how manages to blow over.

Met with AJ like normal and asked him if he would mind if I came over to his house to see what is going on and possibly help him with some type of fortification. He looked like he wanted to cry but all he said was "They're gone".

I tried to press him a little more on what that meant but, all he would say is "They're gone" and then change the subject to whether or not I had thought about trying to get out of the city or going some place where there might be others like us.

Can you believe this? It has been nine days and we are asking questions like "If there are others like us". Could anyone ever have imagined a society could fall apart this quickly? I certainly couldn't, and even in the movies I don't think they ever really painted the collapse this fast.

But here I sit, contemplating what's next while the world spins and laughs at my presumption that I am somehow important enough to understand why something like this would happen.

Whoa, that was pretty deep coming from someone that had a hard time figuring out how to use the new coffee machine at work two weeks ago. I think AJ should come live with me but, I don't want to ask yet. He might still be hoping that his family will return or, need some space. I don't really know. Never really thought I would be stuck in a situation like this to tell you the truth.

I did offer to get him some weapons though but he refused. Apparently he is under the impression that there is enough going wrong right now without bringing guns into the equation. Maybe hes right, but if he isn't I'll be glad to have my weapons with me.

On a slightly more horrible note, I finally got the courage to go into my neighbors house. Pretty nice place, never really expected them to be that fancy but inside felt like I was walking amidst royalty. Or at least, it felt that way until I saw their dead dog in the middle of the living room. Finding a dead dog in your neighbors house is weird, finding a dead dog in your neighbors house with teeth marks and pieces missing though is horrifying.

One last thing before I leave for the night. I saw a helicopter fly overhead today and that at the very least gave me a glimmer of hope. Maybe somewhere there is somebody with a plan, and people working on a cure, and some semblance of structure still being held together.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. There was no helicopter. April Fools.

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