Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Sixteen Pt. 2:

Day Sixteen Pt. 2:

I've got good news and bad new.

First, the good news. I am still alive.

Now the bad news:

A: The power grid has failed. To be honest I didn't expect it to last this long so, I guess I should be thankful. However, this now means that everything refrigerated will spoil along with other problems that I am sure will sprout up soon enough.

B: I have begun to see more and more ex-humes. I think first they were scared of us but the more days pass, I think they are beginning to understand that they have the advantage. Still only seeing them solo so, maybe this should be in the good news column?

C: AJ and I discovered more mutilated bodies on display. This guy is like the Johnny Appleseed of dismemberment. Also, I can't prove it but I am almost positive that the ex-humes are eating the dead. Because the decapitated one that I wrote about earlier has pretty much been ripped to pieces and stripped to the bones.

D: I have found hand and footprints outside my home in the garden. I don't know when they were there, but they were. I told AJ about this and now he is considering fortifying my house like mine. I tried to convince him to stay with me until he could do that but, he wouldn't listen.

Which leads us to

E: Chances are I will never again eat a hamburger, drink a cold glass of milk, or enjoy ice cream. Thanks again God, you're doing a bang up job down here. Dick.

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