Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Sixteen:

Day Sixteen:

Today AJ and I learned that we are not the only ones left untouched by this disease. And with that discovery came a very serious problem.

Either the other person or persons left hate these ex-humes much more than AJ and I or, they are serial killers. That’s the problem with humans devolving into animals, when they die you have no idea if they were uninfected or essentially dumb animals.

Which means that the crucified decapitated human today was either a captured infected body, or perfectly fine. Who knows. I do know that anyone who takes the time to cut the head off of anything, and then string it up Jesus style to a traffic signal pole... Well, they're pretty fucked up.

A scarecrow is one thing, this is another. Chances are the corpse was infected but, what if it wasn't? And even if it was, why do this?

We debated for a while about whether we should leave a note and try to contact this other person but in the end, we decided that it wasn't worth the headache and possible invitation to get murdered by a psychopath. You know what bothers me the most about this?

Out of all the people that were infected by SCARI, why in the hell would it leave someone like that untouched. I mean, I'm not exactly the cream of the crop. But this guy would be the warm gross slurps at the bottom of the glass that no one wants.

If I believed in a higher power I would probably be trying to figure out a way to punch him in the face at this point.

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