Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Forty One:

Day Forty One:

It rained today. When I was a kid my grandma always used to say. "Trouble will rain on those who are already wet." I don't know where she got that from, or who originally said it but I think she knew what she was talking about.

Because today we got soaked.

For starters, I think AJ's arm is infected. We spent so much time worrying about him turning into some type of blood thirsty mutant that we forgot to worry about fun little problems from the past like gangrene and staph and whatever other myriad of slow death might be growing in his shoulder.

I've got a ton of medicine that I took from the drugstore before everything started getting really crazy. I can't remember if I already wrote about that or not, but if not. Yeah, in addition to my army surplus I've got a junkies dream medicine cabinet or rather, medicine trunk here.

But, all the medicine in the world doesn't really mean that much if you don't know what to do with it and unfortunately I don't. My solution has always been to throw antibiotics like Keflex at any problem you might have though. Got a cold, take some Keflex. Strep throat? Take some Keflex. Broke your arm, here's some Keflex. Got a flat tire, maybe Keflex will help. So, hopefully that will work for AJ too. Otherwise we will have to proceed with a more aggressive treatment plan which will involve me throwing a dart at the box and making him take whatever medicine it hits.

On top of that problem, my ceiling is also leaking pretty bad. Normally this wouldn't be any reason for panic except, my roof has never leaked. And now suddenly it is leaking in about 15 different places. This means those things are slowly but surely working there way through and now they've got mother nature helping them. AJ and I spent a good deal of time today loading a massive chunk of our food surplus and other items into the Jeep.

Just in case. Better safe than sorry you know?

Also spent some time trying to strengthen the ceiling even more but no matter what we do it feels like if anything gets to what we've built, it will only maybe serve as a way to slow them down a little while warning us to get our asses in high gear and relocate to somewhere less hostile.

So by about four P.M. we were already facing the loss of our comfortable and previously seemingly well protected home, along with the possibility of our happy little friend circle decreasing by 50%. After those happy conclusions, you know what happened?

If you guessed something horrible, you would be right. And just to save the suspense for the next time you feel like guessing, it will always be something horrible if I make you guess.

We thought that all we might have to do is stay inside for a little while. Whether that meant a couple months or even as long as one or two years, we could beat these fuckers through attrition. Because eventually winter will come and take a huge bite out of there numbers, along with the multiple ones we shoot on a daily basis just because.

Eventually their numbers will run out right?


Because today the rain must be the primal version of mood music since we witnessed no less that three different groups having incredibly violent rape sex throughout the day. Although, I don't know if its rape anymore. I've never watched the discovery channel and listened as the narrator said "And at this point, the male lion will rape the living hell out of the unwillingly lioness and thus his seed will be carried on"

The problem as AJ sees it isn't the fact that in 9 months there will be more of them, but that their kids will be trained from birth to be carnivores and thus, much better hunters. Of course, I argued that the mothers will probably just eat their kids since they seem to eat everything else, or once the preggers start to enter the morning sickness slow fat and round phase, the other ex-humes will probably rip them apart.

Unlike normal, he didn't argue but after some thought said that I might be right.

Imagine that.

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