Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Sixty:

Day Sixty:

I’m in a more friendly mood today. I think I’m just missing the comfort we enjoyed at the house. Granted, we’ve got things pretty well secured here but… I still want out. As cool as living in a stairwell is, well yeah.

Today AJ took me up to the roofs and we scouted out the area for possible vehicles. Lots of options, problem is trying to figure out which ones might have keys in them still? I’ll tell you one thing, as soon as we are back on our feet to hell with this whole blood injection idea. We are going straight to the local library or Army Surplus store and finding some books that explain Carjacking 101.

Later in the day, we saw a pregnant lady ex-hume walking down the street. Chances are that the baby was already dead inside her since, she was obviously pregnant before all this started. But, just in case I put a round through her stomach and then another in her head. AJ ridiculed me for wasting the extra bullet since, the things were quick enough to rip her to pieces but, I didn’t want her to suffer any more than she had to.

While they were busy feasting, we explored the building some more and lugged back a bunch of food and water to add to the already ample amount of food and water stockpiled. AJ took a bunch of flammable stuff as well, just in case we needed firebombs and I grabbed as many magazines as I could. I figured read something would be a good way to pass the time even if it was two months old but about half way through a copy of People I started feeling a mixture of anger, depression, and overwhelming hopelessness so I stopped.

AJ is trying to convince me that we could make it back to the house on bikes, but so far I’m not convinced. Would you trust a Huffy against a pack of blood thirsty wolves? Wolves the size of people? Right.

At least we’ve made it two months, that’s saying something I suppose. I just wish we could find more survivors. I suppose it doesn't help that I expect anyone alive to come knock on my door but still. In the movies they always have that one AM band radio broadcast where a group has fortified a town and is directing everyone to their safe haven.


Would you know how to broadcast a radio signal with no electricity? Or even, with electricity? Because I sure don’t. AJ says if we want to find people, we don’t need a radio, we just need to think in terms of castles. He thinks that if there are truly groups of people left, they will be found in area where the threat of attack is severely mitigated by their environment.

I told AJ to stop talking like the History channel.

He told me, people want safety. It’s what we want. And if we want people, that’s where we need to start looking.

We made a list of places we thought people might flock to for safety. This is what we came up with:

1. Prisons (If people can’t escape, they probably can’t get in either)
2. Stadiums (Except, we weren’t sure if there would be enough food)\
3. High rises (Easy to barricade stairwells as we already learned)

We also figured a good number of people might be hiding in churches if they were able to fortify them in time because if not those things would be through the windows in no time. Of course, this assumes that in two months people have begun to form groups and aren’t just cowering in their houses like we were.

Once we figure a way out of here, AJ and I are going to begin a more proactive effort towards finding people. We decided that we can use the house as a staging point and explore every back alley and middle of nowhere in the city if we have to. Hopefully, if anyone else is out there they’ve put a sign in the window announcing that fact. We’ll see.

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