Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Twenty One:

Day Twenty One:
There’s a fire burning to the Northeast of me. Hard to tell if it is going to burn itself out or keep coming this way. With a little luck it will burn down AJ's house and leave mine in tip top shape. No, that is mean and I don't mean it.


Before this happened all I ever wanted most of the time was some privacy. What with people constantly yapping on their cellphones or honking their horns or carting around some crying little brat... I yearned for a little peace and quiet.

Well, I got the quiet request and it is driving me out of my mind. The sad thing is, I think the main reason I am still writing this is because it almost feels like I am talking to someone. I can hear my voice when I write this and as crazy as it sounds, that is comforting to a small extent.

Maybe I could corner an Ex-hume and sit him down for a nice glass of tea and conversation.

"So ex-hume, how are you liking your new life?"
"Oh really, that is fascinating, tell me more!"

I have also decided AJ is up to something. I suppose I could be paranoid but, I usually have a pretty good feeling about people. Then again, I am also talking to myself so my suspicious meter might be all out of whack as well.

Makes me wonder that if I am having these thoughts, if he is starting to think that I am some whiny compulsively needy person that always has to be around someone. Funny how even with the imminent fall of humanity right around the corner, petty issues like this still consume the human psyche.

Once again, I think I am getting a little too deep.

Moving back towards concrete facts and away from touchy feely, I recorded some more video last night and got a quick glimpse of how these things are surviving. One stood in the middle of the road making a clicking noise, eventually some poor stray dog appeared, probably thinking he had found his long lost owner and then, in the blink of an eye two other ones that had been hidden until that point came out and pounced on the terrified animal. He didn't suffer long.

Is it wrong that having everyone on Earth essentially die didn’t make me cry, but this did?

In the wild this wouldn't surprise me but, I guess I'm just having a hard time coming to terms with the notion that everything is the "wild" now. Including my backyard.

I wonder if they all hunt like that, or if these three just had some remnant memory of the Velociraptors from Jurassic Park?

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