Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Sixty Five:

Day Sixty Five:

Looks like AJ and I might not have to go exploring too far to find some real live human peoples! Today we heard an announcement, not sure how far away it was but best guess is two or three blocks. Must have rigged up some type of P.A. system to their car because the message was pretty clear:

All non-infected.
Place something red in your windows.
We are all that is left now and we need to band together.

Then the message repeated. So now the dilemma, do we trust this faceless message and take it at face value or do we instantly assume that we will be thrown into some type of labor and/or rape camp the second they find out where we are?

In the movies, there are always the slaver/rape factions roaming around look for more raping and slavery but, I don't know. I'm of the opinion that 65 days wouldn't really be long enough to make people want to focus on that so much as, trying to rebuild. Although, AJ pointed out that we have no idea who has survived. So if a serial killing psychopath was for some cruel reason spared, he probably would try something like this.

Decisions decisions.

After weighing the pros and cons we decided to hang out a bunch of red stuff in our windows. Of course, if they don't drive down our street that won't do much good but hopefully they are driving in some type of grid since that is what we were going to do.

And if they are bad guys, well... we have enough firepower here to flatten a Sherman tank so, at least we'll go out with a bang.

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