Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Eighteen:

Day Eighteen:

For some reason I thought finding video monitoring equipment and solar panels would be really difficult. I suppose if I wasn't living here it might be but, God Damn are there a shit load of different ways to record stuff.

Also, sort of like the "borrowed" car it was nice being able to pick out whatever I wanted since, I can't imagine any sane person spending upwards of 20,000 dollars on cameras and motion sensors which; is what I am now in possession of.

With a little bit of luck I will be able to get the solar panels running and since it is sunny like, 95% of the year here I can't imagine ever needing to worry about electricity. Which; sort of makes me wonder why I didn't get off my ass and do this before the entire world went to hell.

Oh well.

I think I made some progress with AJ today. Got him to at least agree that if these things start to show any increased aggression or if Captain Sadistic starts stalking us, then we should live together. And while I am on the subject, I am hoping that Psycho will start putting his murders on display in some sort of pattern just so that I can set up cameras. I don't know why but I really really need to know what this guy looks like.

Or girl I suppose but I mean, yeah right. Right?

Almost forgot, AJ has a cold. The rest of the fucking world succumbs to some type of insanely contagious mutant virus or whatever it is... and this guy catches a cold? I don't even know how that is possible since there aren't even any people left to spread it but yeah, I made fun of him quite a bit for that and gave him a bottle of Dayquil I had left.

Which; reminds me. The medicine on all the shelves in all the pharmacies has a definite expiration time. So I wonder how long before there just simply isn't any more medicine left? Because last time I checked, I don't know how to use a mortar and pedestal and grind up some Tylenol so yeah. I suppose if I had a therapist they would say that this remark is very positive since it means that I think I will be alive long enough for the medicine to expire.

However, all the therapists are most likely dead. In turn, that means that therapy is dead. So for the first time in a long long time, everyone left has to take responsibility for themselves, HOORAY!

One last thing before I get ready for bed, I think I know why these ex-humes haven't been very aggressive lately. So far, the local pet population has kept them satiated, along with whatever other woodland creatures are too slow to outrun whatever the hell they are. See, this is why I am glad I don't have children, because for some insane reason I repeatedly have a nightmare thought like this pop into my head before going to sleep.

I really have got to stop doing that.

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