Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Four:

Day Four:

The city is a ghost town, the television is pretty much nothing but infomercials, and the internet is awash in a stream of pure speculation.

Going off on a tangent for a moment, being single has its advantages. For years now not being attached to anyone or anything has allowed me the freedom to pretty much enjoy my life as I saw fit. However, this is definitely a situation where it would be nice to be able to look someone else in the face, give them a hug and say "Don't worry, we're going to be ok".

I suppose on the other hand though, if I did have someone close to me I would probably be forced to watch them die right about now. And as bad as being alone is, at least I've had ample time to get used to it. I can't imagine what it might be like for someone like the guy at the liquor store who probably has a wife and kids not to mention a close knit family structure.

When the world breaks apart at the seams, chances are its the loners and sociopaths who will thrive. Or at the very least, not panic.

With that said, I did make an effort earlier to talk again with the only other person I know of who is healthy. Unfortunately, the liquor store was closed. Could mean my new found friend is sick, or could just mean that his store is closed on Saturdays. Hopefully its the latter and hopefully he will be there when I stop by on Monday.

How shitty would it be if I was the last man alive on the planet and never even took the time to get to know the second to last guy on the planet?

In a desperate bid for human contact I also did something almost unheard of these days. I knocked on my neighbors door! This would be much less awkward if for example, we had ever said more than hello to each other. Or if I knew what my neighbors names were. However, desperate times call for knocking on doors apparently.

Got all worked up over nothing though.

I knocked, rang the doorbell, even tried looking for a spare key around their garden so I could check up on them. I doubt I would have had the nerve to go inside their house but regardless of that, there was nothing. Well, almost nothing. When I rang the doorbell, their dog started barking. Thats a good sign I suppose, means at least the dog is getting fed. Unless of course, no, nevermind. That is horrible.

If this goes on much longer I am going to have to start using 9-1-1 as a fun and interesting way to meet people.

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