Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Forty Three:

Day Forty Three:
Aj's arm seems better. Surprise surprise, now Keflex is able to add "cures society destroying virus" to its endless list of things it can heal.

We spent the day shooting every single Ex-hume we could see. Figured that maybe if we could show them that we are still the dominant species then they might give us a wide berth. I kept count at first, but after we got up around 300 I didn't see the point anymore.

Same as before, kill one and two will come to eat it. Kill them, and the process repeats itself. After a few hours, the pile of death was enormous. When we got up to around 600, we started running out of targets. The middle of the carnage must have been 15 feet high with at least a 30 foot diameter. Problem with that is, eventually they figured out that if they stayed behind the mound, they could eat all they wanted without getting shot.

For the most they were right. Towards the end of the slaughter we started to switch from the high powered scope weapons and use the weaker revolvers and assorted handguns. Almost like we were playing a murderous game of HORSE where AJ would headshot one of the beasts from say, 100 yards away and then challenge me to do the same.

When we tired of the killing, Aj suggested we set the whole damn thing on fire but the risk of it spreading to our house, coupled with the unbearable stench that would ensue made this option seem unreasonable. Looking back on it now, I feel sort of stupid. Because all it is going to do is attract more of them. But sometimes, even a losing fight is enough to boost morale. And we are in desperate need of that.

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