Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Thirty Six:

Day Thirty Six:

Shot the church bell today. Took me four tries and four different two liter bottles but, eventually I hit the fucker and for once something seemed to go our way since as soon as the bell clanged... the majority of ex-humes started ambling over that way in the hopes of finding a tasty meal.

Once they started to congregate over there, I picked off a few with my new silenced rifle and while they were busy exploring and eating, I managed to slip out my garage door with only a few of them any the wiser. One tried to block my car but, he met the same fate that any human would if they tried to stop several hundred pounds of metal.

Got the garage closed without a hitch and the drive to AJ's was uneventful as well. Before I arrived he managed to kill a bunch of them near the back of his house and that appeared like it would be enough to keep the small street horde busy until he got out of there and into my car.

Here is where things got a little scary.

After making it into my car he started to put his seat belt on and just as I started to put the car into drive he yells "Wait!" and went running back into his house. No, I am not making this up. I wouldn't want to make this up. Because something like this only makes you dislike a person. And when that person is the last person on the planet, the last thing you want to do is dislike them.

So I sat on the street while he ran back into the house to turn the lights off, or make sure he didn't leave the oven on, or I didn't really know at the time but I assumed it was idiotic. When he came back he had a picture of his dead family which confirmed by previous remark about idiocy. Its one of those surreal moments where if you don't actually have something this fucking stupid happen to you, you would say "No way would that ever happen".

But then it happens and you are tempted to honk the horn just so that the distracted ex-humes will show up and eat your friend since he is a tool.

Fortunately for AJ, I am not that big of an asshole. Unfortunately for AJ, as he was running out of the house FOR A SECOND TIME he must have piqued one of their interests since no sooner was he five feet out of his house than an ex-hume popped around the corner and started bearing down on him.

At that point I aimed my gun and shot or, would have shot but I forgot to take the safety off. As I struggled to figured out why my gun wasn't working, AJ oblivious to the world continued his beeline for the Jeep while the creature continued to close the distance to him.

I figured out how to switch the safety off just as the thing lept for AJ. My gun was up and aiming which caused AJ to stop dead in his tracks since the fool thought I was aiming at him. Yeah AJ, I left the confines and safety of my home, to come all the way out here and murder you even though you would have been dead in a few days from starvation.

Anyway, even though AJ stopped the ex-hume didn't and managed to knock him to the ground and take a little bite out of his shoulder. At the same moment, I fired a round that added an extra very bloody hole to the creature’s head.

So now, I've got AJ screaming on the ground, a dead ex-hume lying next to him, and since I fired a gun... every ex-hume within a five mile radius trying to get to where we were. I told AJ that he had 5 seconds to shut the fuck up and get in my car before I took off and left him there. He got the message and as he closed the door, the first of what must have been an impressive wave of those savages began rounding the street corner.

Rather than risk blowing a tire on one of their skulls, I flipped a bitch and started driving in the opposite direction. A few gave chase but were quickly distracted by the fresh meal on AJ's lawn.

Now we are back at my house. Managed to get rid of all the ex-humes by my house by driving into a few parked cars down the street from me. After hitting the third one a loud annoying car alarm started to blare loudly enough to attract the unwelcome visitors.

So here we are, two lost souls trying to make a go of it in a collapsed world. With a little bit of luck AJ's shoulder won't get all gross and infected. I was worried a little bit about him turning into an ex-hume but hopefully since we are immune to the airborne shit, we will be immune to other forms of transmission as well.

And if not, well... he shouldn't have gone back for a stupid picture.

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