Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Thirty:

Day Thirty:

You know what the problem is with old gaming systems like the Super Nintendo?

They're fucking old.

You don't really realize how far we have advanced as a society (or what once was a society) until you load up some 10-15 year old technology. Then and only then do you realize what horribly ugly crap we used to have to put up with.

Oh yeah, all of the ex-humes are still outside my house waiting for their chance to rip me apart. But why focus on that when I can delve into the horrible polygons of a Super Nintendo game right?

On a positive note, I made grilled cheese sandwiches for myself today. I don't remember the last time I made them and a part of me believes that if only we could make enough grilled cheese sandwiches, then and only then would we be able to convince all the ex-humes to go back to being human since surely any creature that was formerly a human would want to turn back into one if grilled cheese sandwiches were on the line.

Yep, that’s right kids. This is what the history books have to look forward to. Anne Frank had her diary, and I've got inane blathering nonsense that will fill the pages of what once was in Tomorrow-morrow land.

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