Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Fifty:

Day Fifty:

I wish I had some sort of momentous event to post on day fifty of our existence here but, sadly I do not. Actually, that’s probably a good thing since, anything newsworthy these days always seems to be incredibly bad news. Like a death, or explosion, or nuclear meltdown.

Would be nice if I could write down that we found a cure, that also cures cancer, and turns mosquitoes into cupcakes. But alas, that is a different story I think.

Sticking with the Aids theme from yesterday, we decided to see if we could mass poison the bastards still skulking about my house.

This was a bad idea.

Because first we had to figure out how to poison them. Which we accomplished by shooting a couple below my bedroom window and then dumping incredible amounts of toilet bowl cleaner, and bleach, and whatever else we thought might kill them.

Sure enough, regardless of the poison, the ex-humes ate their dead and this is where it got bad.

The ones that ate it didn’t die right away like the movies. They started foaming at the mouth and making horrible sounds that could never be explained with a pen. Eventually they started to convulse at which point healthy ex-humes would pounce on them.


And ineffective because it didn't harm the ones that didn't eat the poison directly.

Oh well, there’s always Aids I suppose.

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