Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Six:

Day Six:

Went back to the Indian liquor store today and for once luck was in my favor. The fucking place was actually open!

Turns out his name is Ajatashatru, but for the sake of me being American and knowing that I will never know how to ever properly say that, we agreed that I can call him AJ. That’s about where the good news ends. Turns out I was right and AJ does have a wife and child, actually 4 children ranging from 12 to 4. All of them are sick, and the main reason he opened his store today was in the hopes that I would show up and maybe offer some insight regarding what he should do.

I didn't know though, obviously my first suggestion was the hospital but when I said that he just gave me a quick glance that seemed to want to say "You idiot, don't you think I already thought of that?"

Apparently, the hospital is the one place that actually does look like the Hollywood apocalypse movies. Everyone pushing and shoving and trying to get help for their loved ones except, even the doctors and nurses are sick. And after the first few days of this thing, everyone had stopped showing up. Anyone unlucky enough to be on life support, well... I don't think they have to worry anymore.

I asked how his family was doing and he couldn't really give a straight answer. Sort of like when I asked my boss except, AJ is like me and shouldn't be "distracted". Apparently at first they had subtle flu symptoms that developed into something that pretty much incapacitated them aside from dire functions like bathing and eating.

However, as of today he thought maybe there was some hope since his 10 year old seemed a little more active but... despite sitting up he made only rudimentary sounds and when AJ tried to ask how he was feeling he just stared at him like he was a million miles away. Later, when AJ tried to take the plate that he had given him with food on it his kid tried to bite him.

I know, I was thinking the same thing. People biting = zombies. Except, zombies don't eat meals last time I checked. And they sure as hell don't leave you alone until you try to take their plate. Something weird is happening though, we both agreed about that.

I couldn't believe how fast time passed once we started talking. Before I knew it over 3 hours had flown by and I could tell AJ was starting to get a little bit worried about being able to check in on his kids and wife so I told him that we could meet back here same time tomorrow if he wanted and then exchanged addresses with him so that if one of us doesn't show, the other one can check on him.

The one thing I can't help thinking though is that in AJ's family case, everything is fine and well since he is there to take care of them for now. But what about the umpteen million other sick people who don't have a noninfected person to look after them?

What are my neighbors doing?

I don't know, but I hope AJ is right in regards to his kid getting better because as much as I dislike my job... I hope everyone starts feeling better so I can get back into some sort of routine.

What I wouldn't give for a cheeseburger right about now.

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