Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Forty Seven:

Day Forty Seven:

Its starting to be more and more rare to see an ex-hume wearing clothes. Even just shredded destroyed filthy clothes. Pretty soon the world is just going to look like one violent bloody orgy to the untrained eye. Sort of odd to see the women with the extensions and implants and credit card perfection rooting in the mud along with all the other savages.

On a less doom and gloom note, AJ came up with the idea today that maybe we could cure them if we injected them with our blood. His theory is that since their blood didn’t take over his, maybe that means our blood is stronger somehow and can overtake theirs.

I don’t know.

I’m pretty sure you don’t cure a cold by finding a healthy person and becoming their blood brother but, what do we have to lose right? Well actually, we have a lot to lose because in order to bring this idea to fruition we will need a needle to get the blood, then some type of delivery system like, a blood filled tranquilizer gun or a pneumatic throwing dart.

Basically, we need things that would require us to leave our safety area and which would require us to be James Bond. As of now, the idea seems to risky. Give it three days though, when we are extremely bored and are sick of playing Checkers or Chess or Monopoly for the 9 trillionth time. Three days and we’ll probably be tripping over ourselves to get out that door and save the world.

Salvation through idiot science. Sounds ridiculous but, it managed to save the world once when it discovered penicillin. So who knows.

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