Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Fifty Two:

Day Fifty Two:

So here's the thing... catching a human that desperately wants to not be caught, without killing them, is very very very difficult. For a while we tried lowering a noose around the neck of an ex-hume who was busy feeding on one of its dead friends that we shot in my yard. Surprisingly, lowering the noose from my second story window and getting it to go around the neck of an ex-hume wasn't all that difficult.

However, getting the ex-hume to be calm enough to avoid strangling itself to death wasn't so easy. Not to mention, ex-humes are opportunistic and because of this they will often attack any other ex-hume who is in distress. So even if we could get the noosed (Can I use noose as a verb?) ex-hume to settle down, by the time it did it would have its intestines ripped out and would be half eaten.

So then Aj got the clever idea of, leaving a sort of cowboy lasso on the ground and when an ex-hume stepped in it we would pull the rope as hard as we could. This in turn, in theory, would then tighten around the ex-hume's legs allowing us to pull it into the air upside-down high enough to hopefully inject it with something to knock it out long enough to inject it with Aj’s blood.

Keep in mind, we have no syringes in the house and had no idea how we were going to go about injecting them. I explained to Aj early on that it didn't make any sense to leave the safety of our house and go looking for needle supplies, and dart guns, and whatever the hell else we might need if we weren't first able to prove that we could capture one of these things.

Anyway, trying to reverse lasso an ex-hume proved to be slightly past the boundaries of impossible so Aj decided we should try luring one into the garage. I suggested we could instead steal a windowless van and write "Free Meat" on the side but, he doesn't have my sense of humor apparently. Anyway, I pretty much vetoed his garage idea since that is idiotic. Any plan that brings them one step closer to us, and destroying the shelter we are so desperately holding onto seems like a bad one.

Aj came up with a compromise and is currently building some sort of cage that would once again, theoretically keep the ex-hume between the garage door, and some type of cage allowing him to then knock it out somehow without having 100 of its buddies rip it to pieces.

I might seem insane for agreeing to this but the way I look at it is like this. Ok, this shit is not ever going to work. Like, never. However, by allowing Aj to think I support him his morale stays up. Additionally, it gives him something to do which is always helpful in a situation like this. Plus, pending he actually builds a good cage in the garage well... that’s just one more layer of protection that we wouldn't have otherwise.

So basically, win win win. Of course, if we overestimate his cage, and one of them gets in here we're both probably dead. So basically, if these entries all of a sudden stop don't blame me. Blame faulty garage promises.

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