Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Seventeen:

Day Seventeen:

I wonder if in some future world, pending that the non-infected survive, if the ex-humes will be considered pets? Probably not, probably too dangerous. But how weird would that be? Some guy walking some other guy with a collar on all fours down the street. At this point, I would not be surprised.

What does surprise me though is the persistence of our local crucifier. AJ and I discovered five more mutilated bodies and I know this is disturbing but, it has almost turned into sort of a murder Easter egg hunt. I mean, shit, we don't exactly have tv or anything anymore so maybe finding a decapitated head in an alley will become the new Price Is Right.

On a serious note. We examined some of the bodies he left behind and I am pretty sure he or she is taking them out with a bow and arrow. Could be a long spear I suppose, or any other variety of weapon but, I don't think its a gun. Because we would probably hear a gun and, although I am no CSI expert I am pretty sure a bullet would leave a good size hole out the back of whatever it entered. These bodies just have a large hole, or holes in the front that look like they were dug out.

So probably an arrow, unless the guy is a ghost ninja and can somehow get the drop on these creatures and take them out up close and personal. Or maybe he uses traps and just stabs them in the net? Who knows, as I said before... still probably best that we don't know since that level of deranged deserves a wide berth.

And with that, I am going to make this a brief entry and get some sleep. Decided that tomorrow I ought to see about securing some video cameras or monitoring tools. My generator is running pretty good and unless I am mistaken, there should be an almost endless supply of gas to run it on. Already have more than enough gas in the garage to keep it running for probably a couple months nonstop. So, should be enough to let it run during the night so I can maybe get some video footage of these things in my garden.

Also might try to work with some solar panels since, the noise the generator makes might not be the best way to remain discreet in the future.

Alright, good night everyone and crazy psychotic mutilation guy... if you're out there, take a deep breath and think about starting a journal. It might help relax you a little.

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