Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Ten:

Day Ten:

I wonder if the president is dead or rather, infected? I don't know why that matters since he didn't do a fucking thing to help stop this but, I don't know. If he is, it is just sort of unreal that I'm not being bombarded by mass media telling me how this is a day I will never forget and where was I when I found out.

Its weird that we need a television or radio to validate what we already know. Its like, I can look outside and see what is going on but, without an official spokesperson getting on the air and stating "Attention listeners, we are all fucked". Well, it just doesn't seem like it is prudent to start freaking out.

I guess it would be like be being in a burning building but instead of running out of the building, you just sit there and continue to eat snacks while you watch tv since the fire alarm never went off.

With that being said, I had my first encounter with one of them today. It was while I was walking to meet AJ which; I don't think I will be doing anymore. I mean, of course I will still meet up with him since he is now literally the only person I know, but I will not be going on foot.

At first I thought maybe I had found another uninfected person and for a split second, the observation that she was female gave rise to the thought of repopulating the planet. Yes, even in an apocalypse men don't change, sorry.

The idea of creating a severely inbred garden of Eden was short lived however since, up close I noticed her clothes were all tattered. Now, if a nuclear bomb had gone off and it was years later this would make sense. But, since only ten days had passed and, there are more than enough clothes to go around, well her fashion sense was the beginning of the end of hope for companionship.

At first she was standing upright looking through the window of a bakery but, when I got a little bit closer I don't know if she heard me, or picked up my scent, or saw my reflection in the glass, or what. But she dropped down on all fours and curled her upper lip while she snarled a little bit.

I surprised myself and actually managed to pull my gun out its holster without blowing my foot off, but before I could even aim it she was scampering down the street and into a back alley. I gave chase out of curiosity but, by the time I got to the alley she was long gone.

AJ and I talked about this and have come to the conclusion that whatever the hell SCARI is, it must have some type of dramatic neurological impact. For the record, those were AJ's words not mine. I figured it sounded better than what I said before him which was "I think its fucking up people's brains".

A scholar I ain't. Hahaha.

I asked if he had ever watched the Tv show on the Discovery Channel or National Geographics or one of the learning type shows about feral children. He said he hadn't but he had read articles about similar occurrences throughout history. Like the child that was supposedly raised by wolves.

At first we thought maybe it was some type of communicable Alzheimer’s disease but that doesn't make sense since if they were just forgetting stuff you would still be able to communicate with them. Of course we can't prove anything, just a couple of guys pissing in the wind but from our combined brief encounters with the infected it feels like it has had an animalistic effect on the infected individuals. Again, Aj's words, not mine.

Of course, if this is the case it makes you wonder how dangerous the infected are? I also asked AJ whether he thought we could get infected if we were bit but, obviously he had no idea and just said it would probably be best if we made it our goal to avoid finding out.

I didn't bring it up to AJ since he already went through enough yesterday but, I don't know if I could shoot another human if I had to. Even if it was running on all fours, its still a person. This coming from the guy who always favored the pro choice side of the abortion debate.

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