Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Thirty Nine:

Day Thirty Nine:

Remember the first time you watched Mad Max 2 and thought shit, that looks awesome! I can't wait for the world to fall apart!

Maybe not, but I did. I would watch movies like that and romanticize how great it would be to get back to our survivor/hunter roots you know? Like I somehow would be able to skin a deer and plant some corn the same way all women everywhere are flip a switch inside that instantly turns them from bar slut party girl to PTA super mom the second they squirt out a kid.

Here's the thing though, the apocalypse sucks.

I wrote about this earlier in relation to how boring it is. Because even with thousands of teeth waiting to rip me to pieces, you can only be scared for so long. Then you realize that you're pretty much just under house arrest. House arrest without cable or the internet.

House arrest without any really decent food.

House arrest in the fucking 1700's.

You know what Mad Max should have done when he went Beyond Thunderdome? TURNED THE FUCK AROUND. Because compared to the rest of the world Thunderdome looks amazing.

AJ keeps telling me I need to look on the bright side. That’s right, the guy who might have a brain crippling neurotoxin coursing through his veins is in a better mood that me. Maybe he has a point. Now that I've helped save AJ, it wouldn't make much sense for me to keep whining until he decided that he'd be better off being eaten alive.

So lets think of something positive.


I didn't write about it earlier but, a few days ago I found a twenty dollar bill in my pocket that I didn't know was there. And that is always a good feeling.

Or at least it was, until the economy of the entire world reset to zero.

Sorry, still negative.

One more time.

Today I didn't get murdered.


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