Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Thirty Three:

Day Thirty Three:

You know, I wish I had decided to start this journal/diary/whatever with Entry 1: instead of Day 1: since, that would make more sense. Some days things just are, well out of control I guess would be the best way to describe it. So instead of this being Day Thirty Three its probably more like Thirty Five so if anyone ever finds this in the future they would be all confused and wondering why sometimes it seems like way too many things happen at once.

So future reader, if you do find this sorry about that. I think I already explained this once but, yeah.

So what have I been up to you ask? Or rather, the inquisitive voice inside my head asks. Well imaginary self, glad you're interested because I have spent the last two hectic days hauling up all sorts of building material from my basement up to my top floor. With no more stairs, this was a feat in itself.

But, after an enormous effort I like to believe that I have at the very least reinforced the ceiling enough so that if something does happen to get through the roof well, maybe, just maybe my bullshit carpentry will be able to hold them out long enough for me to gather up supplies and get the fuck out of Dodge.

Basically, my entire upper floor now has massive two by fours jutting straight up in the middle of most rooms and providing support for the wood and metal and whatever else I thought might stop creatures hell bent on eating me which is now nailed up to the ceiling.

Seriously, it feels like I spent the last few days turning my once normal upstairs from an apartment building into some sort of mine shaft. Meanwhile, AJ is slowly running out of food and according to him has maybe 2 to 3 days left before he starts to slowly starve to death.

This would be so much easier if I was the hero type who could just say "BRING IT ON!" as I drove through my garage door while wielding a chain-saw out my drivers side window and blasting Metallica's "Master of Puppets" out my window.

Believe me, I really wish I could do that because if I could chances are I could also save the planet from these creatures, along with any rogue asteroids and possibly the reanimated corpse of Hitler.

However, I am someone that is much much better at a game like Hide and Go Seek than I am at say Dodgeball. And in regards to Hide and Go Seek, it is my opinion that I was never that great at the Seeking aspect of the game.

I am working on a way to get out of here and go help but, I am reluctant to do so if the end result of this is me losing both my food source and shelter. Because really, if I abandon that then I will essentially being saving AJ from starvation so that we can both starve to death together. Not exactly the smartest solution.

So as it stands, I know there has to be a solution but... I'm not sure if I will be able to figure it our before AJ's vital functions shut down permanently.

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