Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Twenty Five:

Day Twenty Five:

I didn't leave my house today. I called Aj on the walkie talkie and apparently, neither did he.

The ex-humes have posted up outside both of our houses. I would like to believe that they are angry for the other ones that I killed, because at least that would mean they are thinking. However, logically I know it is because they are running out of food and, know where they can get a tasty meal.

If I make noise they scatter or at least, the obvious one scatters but I can always see slight movement just out of my peripheral vision. They might not be smart enough to get revenge but they're definitely smart enough to set a trap.

So instead of meeting with Aj I spent a little bit of time going on my roof and shooting the bastards. Oh what a difference a month makes right? Just 25 short days ago I would have never even dreamed of shooting another human being and now here I am, shooting them like they're some sort of pesky rodent.

As long as I don't start cutting them up and hanging their pieces from poles like that one guy from the other week I think my sanity will be ok. Oh, and after shooting a couple I am pretty sure the rest left since they now had their dead ex-hume friends to thank for a hearty meal.

You know what the difference between me and those idiots in the movie Dawn of the Dead is?

If Aj gets attacked I'm not going to die trying to rescue him. It will be a very sad day, and I will try to comfort him over the radio but, he made his choice not to work as a team.

God, what am I saying?

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