Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Thirty Eight:

Day Thirty Eight:

AJ still appears healthy, and is still willing to argue with me over his insistence on being handcuffed whenever he is left alone or asleep. I hope he doesn’t decide that a blood infection might actually slow the spread of the virus because if he does, I will have to deal with this stupid shit for the next year or years.

He asked me what I thought we should do now and I said “You’re looking at it”. Apparently he is the type of person who would continue to work and make the world a better place if he won the lottery. I on the other hand am a firm believer in watching T.V. and doing nothing. Are there other survivors? Maybe.

But with each new person we bring into the fold, our chance of survival drastically drops. Whether its because we have to put ourselves at risk to find them, or risk a diminishing food supply, or even just the chance that we accidentally pick up someone that somehow winds up harming us while we are busy trying to fend off the ex-humes.

How typical would that be. We find a survivor, develop an attraction to them, and then one of us winds up dying of AIDs as a result. Sorry SCARI virus, you’re not the only horrible disease that can kill us on this planet.

I’m not saying I won’t eventually want to look for other non-infecteds but, it would be more to relieve boredom than save humanity. I say, let those things fend for themselves out in the wild for another month or so. Wait until their massive herd numbers have thinned and then start some type of expedition party. Doesn’t make any sense to try to cross a creek bed during a flash flood unless there is a dire reason for you to do so.

And believe me, boredom is not that reason.

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