Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Twenty Eight:

Day Twenty Eight:

Smart creatures the ex-humes ain't. In an attempt to possibly get out of my house and get to Aj I figured maybe I could kill all the beasts surrounding my house. Considering that I have enough ammunition to fuel a small country, the firepower isn't exactly a problem.

Basically what happens is this. You target one, shoot it, and two other ones jump on it. So you shoot both of them and three more come out to pounce on them. Problem is, after about 75 of them you have a stack of like, 7,500 pounds of meat lying dead in the street at which point, it gets really hard to shoot anything since the radius is so wide and the bodies begin to pile up and block what you want to shoot.

On the plus side, ALL of the creatures are so busy with the feeding frenzy of their dead friends that it would be very easy to sneak out the back door. Hell, I wouldn't have to sneak. I am pretty sure I could walk out the front door with a siren on my head and walk within ten feet of the fuckers without them paying any attention to me since, why bother?

Food is food and if you've got a fresh pizza in front of you are you really going to tackle the waiter carrying the spaghetti? Nope.

I called Aj up and told him that tomorrow if we both started shooting these things at about the same time I would more than likely be able to pick him up without a hitch and get him back here before the things finished their meal. So that’s the plan, and I think its a pretty good one.

Now my only problem is figuring out how to lug another mattress upstairs so Aj will have somewhere to sleep when he gets here. Probably should have moved into a bigger house before all of this turned sour but, you live you learn. Or, you live and turn into a savage beast that walks around on all fours eating your dead friends. Either way I suppose.

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