Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Fifty Four/Five/Six:

Day Fifty Four/Five/Six:

We thought we had it all figured out. I mean, if I was able to get to AJ once then it would be no problem for the two of us to get somewhere and back right?


Right now I am alone in a heavily fortified metal coffin. Fortunately, I had the foresight to pack some food and weapons just in case something bad happened. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the foresight to stay the fuck at home.

Don’t even ask where AJ is because I have no idea.

I also don’t know if there will be any more journal entries seeing as how, I am currently trapped in an immobile vehicle that is surrounded by at least 200 ex-humes with the number growing daily. Currently I have enough water and food to last me a minimum of two weeks but, I’m not sure how interesting of a journal it will be if every entry consists of “I am sick of being stuck in my car”.

Its been three days since we left the house, and I haven’t seen AJ since the first day. If he is alive, he must be in worse shape than me. I keep hoping that he made it to the roof of the building he ran into because if not, he is dead.

The plan was simple. He would be in the back of the jeep, I would back it up to a CVS or RiteAid or anywhere else that might have some needles in a pharmacy. He would shotgun the door open, run in, grab what he needed, and run out while I covered the front.

Brilliant plan except we didn’t check out the side of the store where a window had been broken out either by ex-humes or looters. So he went in, and then all hell broke loose inside. Next thing I knew, an ex-hume was running towards the back of my open vehicle so I had to floor it to get away.

Unfortunately, while flooring it, I drove over some curbs and rocks and honestly I don’t even know but somewhere along the way I either snapped an axle or ruptured a gas line (Although I would probably smell that), or did something that turned my car from an escape vehicle, into a death trap about 500 feet away from the drugstore.

How come on the tv show cops, the bad guy can drive off the grand canyon, with four flat tires, and hit the bottom without damaging his car that much. But when I try to back out of a parking lot in a panic I completely total the vehicle?

Fortunately, I managed to jump into the back and yank it closed about 5 seconds before an ex-hume ran full speed into it. Now, well now I am just waiting to die.

That’s a lie.

After all I have been through I am not waiting to die.

I am brainstorming and trying to think of some way out of this mess but, so far nothing seems promising. If I go on foot, I die. If I wait for help, I die. If I try to run to the nearest building, I die. I might be able to shoot most of the ex-humes around my car but chances are… as soon as I step outside they will be on me. Although they might get distracted by all the meat worth eating.

I’m not sure. All I know right now is, this was a bad idea. On the plus side, at least I was smart enough to make a small space in the floor where I can dump out all of my… bathroom materials. Hooray for tiny miracles. On the less miraculous side, despite being able to dump it out, it is still directly below me and baking in the sun throughout the day. And I used to think driving past a dead skunk smelled bad.

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