Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Twenty Nine:

Day Twenty Nine:

Remember yesterday when I had that brilliant idea to kill a bunch more ex-humes today so that any of them that happened to be lurking in dark corners waiting to rip my face off would be too busy eating their dead friends to notice me plan? Well, it was a great plan on paper, however what would happen if Walmart decided to just give away everything in its store for free?

You would have half the population of the world clamoring to get inside a Walmart.

The same is true when you lay out 7500 pounds of dead meat on your front lawn. Suddenly you go from having a minor ex-hume problem to being the number one food source in America for these things. Right now, there are literally at least 300 of them walking around. The problem is, there are three hundred that I can see. This means that like cockroaches, there are probably another two to five hundred that are hidden somewhere else.

I told Aj about this and he said not to worry. He had enough food to last him quite a bit longer and he has begun rationing it just in case. Additionally, he believes that once they realize that it was a one time offer, the majority of the horde will move on.

Sounds plausible except, he is also the idiot that wouldn't move in over here, didn't board his house up properly, and kept the majority of his food supply in the one area he didn't secure properly. So right now, taking advice from him is like taking advice on morality from a schizophrenic psychopath.

Not your best bet.

In unrelated news, I was digging around my closet looking for anything to stave off the boredom and you know what I found? An old Super Nintendo. Pilot Wings here I come!

Although given the circumstances, I guess playing Zombies ate my Neighbors would make more sense.

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