Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Twenty Six:

Day Twenty Six:

I chainsawed my stairs today.

Well, I guess I am getting a little ahead of myself. First I made sure I had absolutely everything I needed upstairs and THEN I chainsawed the stairs. Would have been sort of hard to get my couch upstairs if there weren't any stairs you know?

Anyway, I figure this way I will be able to sleep soundly at night since it has been rough the last couple nights. I check my fortifications routinely but, I guess I have Hollywood stuck in my head since I keep expecting hands and legs to start breaking through the walls like they did in Michael Jackson's Thriller.

Now in order to get up or down I have to climb a retractable ladder but, I figure this combined with ear plugs will help me sleep like a baby. Then again, babies are always waking up and crying in the middle of the night so I suppose that is sort of a stupid thing to say.

The earplugs are important though since every now and then for no discernible reason those things start laughing. But it isn't like a "Hahaha, oh we are having fun" laugh but more like some type of fucked up cross between the Predator's mock human distorted laugh and a woman doing her controlled breathing during labor.

Make sense?

Yeah well, it is sort of hard to describe. Problem is, once one of them starts the other bastards join in and the result is a chorus of ear horror. Would have been nice if the virus that decimated humanity would have rendered its infected mute. But I suppose that is asking too much. Thanks God, great work once again. You really stuck it to us with that one!

I am worried about Aj. I don't think he ever really considered the fact that these things might eventually start to focus on us and as a result... I don't think his house is as prepared. Here’s to hoping that at the end of the week I'm not the last survivor I know of.

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