Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Five:

Day Five:

Only one more day before I get to check on my friend at the liquor store and have my heart broken when I realize he isn't there. I wonder if it is natural to call him my friend? If you survive a horrible plane crash, and one other person does as well... does that make them your friend by proxy?

Who knows. At this point I consider anyone that talks a "friend". In fact, if you are reading this then congratulations, you are my friend. Hooray! I tried my neighbors house again, no dice. Apparently they aren't my friends. Oh well.

After walking around the city for a while I decided to do something rash. Up until this point I had never committed any type of crime outside of jaywalking or littering. I don't litter all the time mind you, but sometimes it just feels like you magically fell into some sort of twilight zone where garbage cans were never invented. Eventually you just say fuck it and toss the banana peel on the ground.

The world is over and I am trying to justify littering. Great.

Anyway, after looking up and down the street at least 20 times I picked up a rock and threw it at a business's window. I figured that it would trigger an alarm which could result in cops at which point I could calmly and politely point the direction where I saw the vandal running.

You know what happened after I threw the rock? Well, at first nothing since I didn't throw it hard enough and it just sort of made a clink sound and then fell back into the street. But the second time I threw it, there was a satisfying crash of glass breaking followed by an alarm that went on and on for probably 30 minutes before I gave up hope and went back home.

Tomorrow I think I might try to find a gun store with a glass window. Just in case.

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