Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Sixty Eight:

Day Sixty Eight:

Arnold lightened the mood today by going into great detail about how every single day we travel in a car, could be our last. The battery could die, the tires could go flat, blown transmission, etc etc etc... I had no idea there were so many different ways a car could die. However, the end message is that if the car dies, we die.

Except, my car died and I'm still alive.

Or am I?

Dun dun dun!

No seriously, I am still alive. Arnold just laughed when I told him that. Isn't it weird when people laugh at something that isn't funny so that they don't have to explain their theories any more?

On a lighter note, I found a dog today!

No I didn't. This shit isn't I am Legend. Will Smith doesn't save the planet. Wait, did he save the planet in I am Legend? Who cares, the book was better. I hope when ex-humes figure out how to make movies they don't ruin my story as the last survivor.

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